Welcome to the International Institute for Complementary Therapists Member Insurance Program!

Premiums from:

Full Time


Your IICT membership is more valuable than ever before.

As an IICT member you have access to Professional Indemnity and Public Liability insurance, along with your membership. This insurance will provide:

  • $10,000,000 limit of indemnity per claim for Professional Indemnity per member
  • $10 000,000 limit of indemnity per claim in cover for Public & Products Liability per member
  • Unlimited retroactive cover for past activities
  • Run-off Cover
  • Worldwide cover (excluding the USA) 

Contact BMS today for more information on 0800 999 267 or iict@bmsgroup.com

IICT have partnered with BMS to bring members exclusive access to coverage. Members also have access to:

  • Increased resources to reduce practice risk,
  • Exceptional customer service for all insurance-related enquiries and
  • The ability to purchase additional insurance products, if needed.

The International Institute for Complementary Therapists Professional Indemnity and Public Liability Policy has been tailored with direct input from industry professionals, to meet the unique practice risks of IICT members.

What happens if I already have coverage in place?

If you currently have a Professional Indemnity policy, when you receive your insurance policy expiry notice, you can join the IICT Insurance Program via this link: https://bmsrisksolutions.formstack.com/forms/iictpi_nz